What gender??

Yesterday Angel laid a big blue egg. I’m super happy to have been wrong. I’m not convinced the method doesn’t work, perhaps I just need more practice, I got like 6 out of 7 correct. Time will tell.
Yesterday Angel laid a big blue egg. I’m super happy to have been wrong. I’m not convinced the method doesn’t work, perhaps I just need more practice, I got like 6 out of 7 correct. Time will tell.
Yay! You got one hen anyway! :) Those are pretty good odds for your method! I was really hoping for some blue egg layers, but I am NOT having great luck with them. Out of the 6 I bought as chicks, 2 were eaten by my dog, one stopped thriving after a week, and only 1 is a hen. The hen is being picked on my my falb and grau fee hens and is currently hiding a lot, and the one Celadon male that was getting seriously beat up on is now doing the bullying in the mail jail pen...SIGH. My current batch of blue eggers that I got from Nabiki haven't shown any signs of hatching but I have 3 of her pansy fees that have hatched and I only saw about 3 Celadons that when candled, looked promising. I may just need to settle with normal quail and forget about the blue eggers!
Yay! You got one hen anyway! :) Those are pretty good odds for your method! I was really hoping for some blue egg layers, but I am NOT having great luck with them. Out of the 6 I bought as chicks, 2 were eaten by my dog, one stopped thriving after a week, and only 1 is a hen. The hen is being picked on my my falb and grau fee hens and is currently hiding a lot, and the one Celadon male that was getting seriously beat up on is now doing the bullying in the mail jail pen...SIGH. My current batch of blue eggers that I got from Nabiki haven't shown any signs of hatching but I have 3 of her pansy fees that have hatched and I only saw about 3 Celadons that when candled, looked promising. I may just need to settle with normal quail and forget about the blue eggers!
I'm so sorry that the celadons aren't doing well. :-(
I'm so sorry that the celadons aren't doing well. :-(
It’s okay…they still have time for me to maybe get a couple to hatch but I’m wondering if shipping was just too hard on them…the Pansy fees look good :) I haven’t had any real issues with any of my non-Celadon quail so maybe they’re just not meant for me haha 🥴

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