What gives with this egg?!?


In the Brooder
Jun 26, 2018
I have 3 golden laced wyandottes and a single RIR, all laying Hens. It has recently went from the mid 80s here to the 50s to 30s. Yesterday I had no eggs and today 4. But one was white. All my hen lay brown or pale brown eggs. Checked for signs of sickness and all seem fine. My RIR did break a little part off the top of her beak, but is eating and drinking fine. (This was discovered yesterday) The shell of the white egg is the same quality as always... Just white... Is this normal? This is my first year with chickens so I was not sure if this has to do with weather shift or something else. Here is a pic of my eggs with the normal ones and this white egg...
No worries I’ve had a few of those from my new layers ,

Basically the colour is the last step in the process, from my understanding. So your girl popped it out before it hit the spray booth .

You’ll see some that look scratched too, same thing , it just comes out too soon.

Just like new mothers they just don’t know how to handle all the weird feelings yet... it will become second nature to them soon .

Good luck :)
My sister has three Easter Eggers that will occasionally lay an egg that's a little lighter than usual, but they always feel chalky, and kind of bumpy(you said your one is the same quality as always). Never seen a brown egg layer switch to being a white egg layer!
Do your chickens free range? Is it possible that a stray hen(Or a neighbour's hen) layed an egg in your girl's coop? Honestly never seen anything like this!

Anyone seen something like this?
I have 3 golden laced wyandottes and a single RIR, all laying Hens. It has recently went from the mid 80s here to the 50s to 30s. Yesterday I had no eggs and today 4. But one was white. All my hen lay brown or pale brown eggs. Checked for signs of sickness and all seem fine. My RIR did break a little part off the top of her beak, but is eating and drinking fine. (This was discovered yesterday) The shell of the white egg is the same quality as always... Just white... Is this normal? This is my first year with chickens so I was not sure if this has to do with weather shift or something else. Here is a pic of my eggs with the normal ones and this white egg... View attachment 1564315
I think this chicken decided to skip a step when making this egg...the painting step.
It happens. I wouldn't think twice about it happening once or twice though.

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