What GOOD things happened this year?

So, I've been reading this thread off and on for a couple days and having that whole, "I know I've had good stuff happen in 2020, why can't I think of any other than the obvious (getting chickens)?" Then I remembered early this morning. In January, before everything spiraled out of control globally, we went on our honeymoon on Maui. Neither of us had ever been to Maui before, I've been to Kauai a number of times and the Big Island when I was maybe 10 or so. We spent two weeks gallivanting all across the island, swimming in the ocean, hiking on Haleakala and eating so much incredible seafood that I'm reasonably sure all my cerebral spinal fluid was completely replaced by pure, elemental mercury.

Also, my nephew was born in November. I have no idea when I'll actually get to meet him in person, but I can still celebrate that fact.

(And yes, as mentioned. The chickens!)
Anybody else notice that a lot of their good things kind of happened because of the pandemic, rather than in spite of?
  • A dozen sessions of backyard camping
  • Teaching my son to cook
  • Teaching him to raise his own food (veg, starch, eggs, meat)
  • 400 games of Monopoly, Life, and Uno — give or take a few
  • A relaxed family Thanksgiving at home, rather than driving 100+ miles to be with 30 relatives
We’ve had a lot of family time. It’s just too bad that it took such a difficult situation to make us stop and take that time. Sure we lost a lot this year, but thankfully no close friends or family so far. And everything else has become unimportant in comparison.
My in-laws lost their home in the 2018 Camp Fire and moved in with me and my husband. This year they moved out into newly built home. They have a home again, and we have our home to ourselves again.

One of the upside of them living with us, they helped us get ducks for the first time this year. My husband was not very excited by the prospect of owning ducks. But the ducks wormed their way into his heart. He absolutely loves them now. And my in-laws continue to visit and enjoy the ducks. They brought joy during stressful and disappointing times.
The only game I recall was Frogger. Played for 10 min. That was enough video game for me my whole life, just not my thing.

The only games I can play now are really old games. I'm talking Super Nintendo. I love Zelda: A Link To The Past. But I haven't played in years and years. Any games that are 3D or first person get me sick, messes with my vertigo. I can't even watch someone play them

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