What got you into chickens?

when I was very small, barely remember, my parents raised several hundred and I remember them talking about the egg truck coming. My mom's favorite story is when I was about 3, I backed up to a full bucket of eggs, the rim of the bucket hit behind my knees and I plopped right down in the bucket, smashing all of the eggs! As a youngster my grandparents had broilers and my favorite job during butchering was to behead them by laying a broom handle on their heads while pulling on their feet!
Now at 47, that seems a little creepy but I loved to see them flop around and guess how far they would go! My DD recently got involved in showing chickens for 4H and egg production for her FFA SAE, now it's a growing fever at our house.
So many wonderful stories

Fell inlove with them and have been raising them every since

I have heard that silkies are evil that way

if i were to get chickens, it would probably because of this website and all the ENABLERS on here!!!

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Because I had to watch my IRRESPONSABLE neighbor's chickens when they went on vacation.
(The parents didn't give a crap about them except for the eggs and their 10 year old son was the only one who took care of them. He didn't do a very good job... particularly with keeping it clean...) I enjoyed watching them and instantly wanted some.
very simple...my dh (dumb husband)! he thought it'd be fun (which it was when we didn't have children) to have some chicks. he knew nothing about it, so there I was doing all the research and raising these babies. I got so attached to the first group (5 BRs) and was very upset when they tried to attack me. I would sit with them after work and everything. I've since given up on expecting them to be pets

Now with DD and another on the way, DH has taken over the small chicken ranch (30 chickens)! Only took him two years!!

I love having the farm fresh eggs though!! (as do our entire family)
My husband was laidoff from his job. The plant closed. We would buy eggs from one of his co-workers. Well, after I had to purchase store bought eggs I ask how hard is it to raise chickens. So now our little group of 16 has become 65. All ages and All breeds. As a friend (also has Chickens)of our said you want a pretty flock and he is so right.
Upon moving halfway across the U.S. to a 15 acre piece of land in the middle of nowhere it seemed natural to have them. I got 25 chicks from murray mcmurray and three from the banty bin since we couldn't wait. It's been almost two years since raising them and giving them away to move home. My DH let me get more since we bought our first home this last winter! He wanted to wait and let the neighbors know we're not crazy, but I worked on him about those TASTY eggs. Walah I have more girls YAY!!!
It just sort of happened for me. My coworker had a small flock and she offered to hatch a batch for me and right now my coop is still in the works but I'm already obsessed with them.
I had them as a kid, but that was 14 years ago. I got back into them after reviewing our political world standing, the state of the economy, and the news we get from our friends who are and interact with other american liaisons to the governments of foreign countries. Theres so much that happens that the news doesnt cover.

I just feel safer knowing i can feed my family without the aid of stores should the need ever arise.
My son came home one day last summer and decided he wanted to raise some for his FFA project. He only wanted a few...100 chickens later, it is a family affair!

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