What happened??? Found a dead chicken this am...:(

Thanks n8ivetxn....we have a similar flock....tho I had to sell my Ameraucanas since they ended up being roosters. I just hatched out Salmon Favs & french black copper Marans 3 weeks ago. The Marans are the sweetest babies! I still want some Ameraucanas, love those muffs & blue eggs!!
I am so sorry to hear that your friend passed. Gosh I know its a hard thing to take, mine are like my babies too. So sorry for your loss sweetie, my heart goes out to you.
Ugh.. That's so sad!
So sorry!
thanks everyone for your words of sympathy.....I keep going out to visit with the girls & doing my usual head count, and I'm so used to counting to 8, I keep thinking she's just in the coop, but I guess she's not anymore..... :(
I know how you feel. I had to put down one of my chickens a few years back & thought I'd never miss a chicken. Well to this day I still think of her. Sorry for your loss. I really shouldn't have animals I get to attached to them.
Yes, it is sad... And, I'm amazed at how much I enjoy their little personalities. Each one is so distinct.... I try not to get too attached, but you can't help but have that one favorite...

My French Marans went broody together and shared a clutch of eggs (silly girls!). This last weekend they hatched and I now have 2 SFs, and it looks like 2 Marans and 3 Ameracauna babies!

I love the blue eggs, but honestly, I haven't been too keen on the Ameracaunas' personalities. The 2 girls are my top hench-hens, #1 and #2, and they rule with an iron beak! One is so bad, I'm considering removing her for a week and reintroducing her. The roo has just become suicidal and decided to start coming after me. I would love to have a couple of girls that are less chicken aggressive. Oddly enough, they love me...

I'll have to try your "under-the-wing-scratch" and see if I can spoil some girls

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