What happened??!! **Graphic Pics**

Thank you all. I assumed it was a hawk because that is what we have around here during the day, which is when it happened. We usually have dogs in and out all day along with me checking on them multiple times. The hawks always fly off when we run out. But I have caught them flying off from the yard before. I will definitely keep them contained for a bit now.

So Oscar is 18.5 weeks and quite big. Why would he have flown out of the yard? The older gals (especially Buffy) was not giving in. He's trying to be on top but is only in the lower middle. Could this be why he flew off?
I would say it could be he flew off because he is still so young. He is not matured yet - kind of a teenager. I bet he was overwhelmed with the situation.
Good question about why your Oscar flew out of yard instead of running back to his coop. I agree that due to age and inexperience, he could have panicked and flew away. But it still seems odd, unless Buffy was attacked Between Oscar and the coop, so he flew away from attack rather than try and run toward/around the predator. That issue Does make me question possibility of a ground predator. All other info u provided still makes me think hawk as culprit. Hopefully not a raccoon, coons are much harder to defend against. Please keep an eye out and let us know. Within a day or so u should see the culprit. If u have a game camera, put it up near the site where Buffy was attacked, and let the camera identify predator for u.
I also had an older hen fly out too. The attack was in the far back corner of the yard so I don't think it would have been done between Oscar and the coop. Plus, that is waaay too far for Eggers to fly 6' up. Maybe they are not related?
I want a trail cam but this is the exact reason I needed to force hubby's hand. Lol

I am still quite upset with myself. I had a procedure today and was sleeping pretty soundly when I came home. The dogs pretty much never leave my side when I am sleeping. Like I said, extenuating circumstances that will hopefully not happen again on my end.
I fully understand you are upset, but please don't be upset with yourself :hugs
Nobody can always be in the right spot at the right time.
And for example with hawks - even being there doesn't mean you can save your little ones; my friend and his son were both on his property, working in the garden, not far from the chicken runs. When they heard screaming they immediately run. But they came too late - the hawk had gotten in the netted run and killed a young rooster.
Whatever predator took your beloved Buffy - I fully agree with Allsfairinloveandbugs: the predator will be back - extra vilgilance is needed now, and a camera would be very helpful.
So sorry for your loss. It's purely a guessing game. If you have a game camera, put it up because whatever it was will be back and hopefully you can get a picture of it so you will know what you're dealing with. It has probably been lurking looking for an opportunity and found one. Most of us have lost birds to predators at one time or another. I lost a very special bird when I was distracted. A fox got her. I did get the fox. I still beat myself up for not putting her in her pen while I was distracted, (if only). I have several cameras up on my property. I love my cameras. Good luck...
A couple of times I had an issue with a hawk that killed a bird not 10' away from me. It happened so fast I didn't have time to react. Another time I had some chicks out and a hawk swooped in and grabbed a chick, again it happened so fast there wasn't any time to react. You never know. Again, good luck...
They are not free ranging today. I have them in the fenced area that has paracord laced over the top. The hawk can still see them though. But he/she cannot get to them. And the dogs will be in and out more. Is this enough or do I need to confine to the fully enclosed run?
As long as u are POSitive the hawk cant get to them, they will physically be ok. However they will likely be emotionally distraught if they recognize the predator that killed their flockmate. If u have Any doubt re their physical safety, definitely confine them to enclosed run.

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