What Happened to the Bantam Thread?

I love Banties.. Have for about 35 years and have shamefully few of them. My first batch of chickens was given to me by a friend. In that little flock I had 3 banties... Henny Penny, Auntie Banty and Chicken Licken. Sweetest busy little girls. I have a slew of Mille Fleur all from a couple a neighbor gave me. I tried to hatch out a dozen Lavender Cochins and some eggs I begged / trick or treated from some neighbors this month. None hatched. Pretty sure it is mostly the incubator's fault and a little bit mine since I couldn't get the exterior (the room's) temp to regulate.
Do the Araucana Banties lay blue eggs? Next spring, God Willing, I really want to add about 10 varieties to my flock. Of course, the addiction is running full blown and unchecked. I would like to have my own birds hatch out the eggs and use the incubator as a back up if the hens vacate the eggs too soon.
I love to see the pictures of all the birds. We just can't get enough, huh?
Bantams are my loves---cochins & silkies They all run up for canteloupe, watermelon or squash treats! Very friendly little birds

The Silkies are so beautiful and if I remember they are so soft. Do they require special care in the winter to stay warm?
One of my silly little Mille Fleur hens just now is hatching out her second batch of babies this year. I can't say I am crazy about the Milles, I guess because they seem to be so flighty and untameable. I will find them good homes I think. I have 4 roos and 4 hens ready for adoption if anyone is in this area and would like some. They are awfully bloody cute.
I'm trying to figure out how to post some pics of my birds.
Good morning to all

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