What happened to the blood veins in the eggs?

Once they break from that shell, Will clean that navel up REALLY GOOD and put some ointment on it. Neosprin without pain medicine or My Favorite is Idoxine...

There's many different kinds of stuff you can use just tell me what you have there and will pick on. I did see in a previous pic neosprin but didn't look to see if it was with or without pain medication
Ok.. sorry .. it is pouring down rain and I had to go cover the ducks food before it started raining sideways! The last 50lb bag got ruined from getting rained on..
Ok.. so I will clean that up! How cool.. I have 2 boys so far.. not sure about Trouble yet.. I will get that cord cleaned off....let me add more pictures...of the other babies I took at the same time as the ones of smiley!
This is Trouble

Here's Biggie learning to walk or something

He is sitting up like a big boy

Those other 2 eggs in the back! THEY ARE IN TERRIBLE SHAPE...the babies are still moving around but WOW they are about an inch from the air sac and when they move it looks like they are trying to swim in syrup....One of the eggs has a nice air sac.. the other..the air sac is only about the size of a 50 cent piece. It hasn't grown but maybe a 1/4 of an inch.. maybe on 1/8th of an inch since 11/22..that is the last air sac marking I put on them.
I am sure they are not going to survive. Later on I will try to take pictures but my camera doesn't like taking pictures in the dark. OR I don't know how to use the dern thing. Anyway.. I may be able to get a video of the candling .. that has worked before.. Those 2 eggs are due to hatch tomorrow..
I am supposed to do that egg hatching event here in BYC and the eggs are supposed to go in there on 12/4.... I don't know if I am going to do that or not...I am exhausted from the stress of the past few days and I am terrified to go through this again. I have 9 eggs on the counter in an egg carton that Hussy has laid over the past 10 days. I had to throw the 11th one out because I guess she sat on it for a minute and it started developing and then died. She never stays anywhere near her nest when the eggs are in there. I have been collecting them every morning now just to make sure she doesn't do that again. I threw out 5 eggs from the last dozen I gave away for the same reason. I was letting her build up her nest and she had 15 eggs in there and showed no interest in them during the day... she was not broody at all so I figured they would just sit out there and rot from her sitting on them at night and abandoning them during the day. I candled all the eggs I have in the carton for the event and they all look great.. just white and yellow in there. I am not sure if I should do the event..or just sell or give the eggs away...I wonder if Hussy will ever get broody...

One more topic...you know I got Hussy and Afflack at the beginning of May when they were just little yellow things .. They were smaller than Paris is now...I asked the guys at the feed store what to feed them and they pointed me to the starter crumbles and that was what they ate until they got big enough for the laying pellets... I never gave them any vitamins ..ever.. they just ate their food and of course every single plant I had in my yard. They completely wiped out all my Begonias...I lined the Rabbit pen with cinder blocks and put potting soil and red and white begonias in each of the holes of the blocks and it looked so great with my red barn style sheds and rabbit pen...it took about a week for them to vanish after the ducks and geese had their first taste of them. I wonder if that is why these babies are having a hard time..(other than all my mistakes and lack of experience)....I wonder if Hussy needed vitamins..she seems pretty strong to me.. but she is always in a bad mood...The Muscovys never had vitamins either...

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