What happens when foxes start eating chickens (graphic)

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or we can remember that the coyotes were there before a lot of development pushed them out. coyotes are all over parts of toronto and the greater toronto area, and that's because development has crept outwards. there are lots of parks and forests to live in but they are inside an urban area, so it's inevitable that coyotes will be wandering through. in many neighbourhoods in toronto, you would never let your small dog or cat out after dusk into the backyard, because it's very easy prey.
So, it's ok if fido gets killed by a coyote. It's the owners fault?
Don't let you dog out after dusk in fear it will be coyote food... Really, so after dark, people let the dog pee and poop inside because of the coyotes?
yes, of course I don't want harm to anyone. we just sometimes have to think beyond the bandaid fixing and maybe we can consider habitat more often, preserving it etc. be safe out there.
I'm all for conservation. My mom lives in Los Angeles. I don't know that I'd call it a "band aid" fix. The authorities there are doing their best to control the population via many means, not just hunting. I was using it to illustrate that sometimes it might be necessary to kill wild animals. But I see your point. Here in the Sierras, coyotes aren't the major threat. It's mountain lions. And bears. Had a bear in my driveway last night. I don't relish the idea of killing anything, but if my life or the life of beings I've sworn to protect are in imminent peril, I will intervene by any means necessary.

Sounds like where you are is more dangerous. You stay safe, too!
I'm aware of this but Croatia is heavily dependant on tourism.
Okay, that makes sense.
But how does all this translate to him castigating people on here for killing a fox that was killing chickens on a completely different continent?
We have an overabundance of many different species here, to the point where they have become real health and safety hazards in some areas.
Okay, that makes sense.
But how does all this translate to him castigating people on here for killing a fox that was killing chickens on a completely different continent?
We have an overabundance of many different species here, to the point where they have become real health and safety hazards in some areas.
It doesn't but it's not worth all the indignation.
So, it's ok if fido gets killed by a coyote. It's the owners fault?
Don't let you dog out after dusk in fear it will be coyote food... Really, so after dark, people let the dog pee and poop inside because of the coyotes?
that's not what I said. in places where we know the coyotes roam, we exercise caution in the areas they roam. just like any other threat. I look before I cross the road for cars, so I'll walk my dog on a leash after dark instead of leaving them alone in the backyard,
that's not what I said. in places where we know the coyotes roam, we exercise caution in the areas they roam. just like any other threat. I look before I cross the road for cars, so I'll walk my dog on a leash after dark instead of leaving them alone in the backyard,
I agree, but my mom's neighbors dog - the one the coyotes snatched - was on a 6ft leash. The poor lady was traumatized. My mom was traumatized. It was very sad.
I agree, but my mom's neighbors dog - the one the coyotes snatched - was on a 6ft leash. The poor lady was traumatized. My mom was traumatized. It was very sad.
I'm so sorry, that is just awful and I would be traumatized too. that seems very bold to take a leashed dog....yikes. do the coyotes look really thin? again, condolences for your loss.
I'm so sorry, that is just awful and I would be traumatized too. that seems very bold to take a leashed dog....yikes. do the coyotes look really thin? again, condolences for your loss.
No. It's become pretty common in her area. And I know, like you said, that it's the result of the human population pushing further and further outward. The coyotes have adapted, which is expected and shows the awesomeness of those animals, imo. But the result is a situation that is untenable. Very unfortunate.
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