What Happens when you un-friend someone from facebook?

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Well, you can hide their posts and limit how much of your info they can access. Usually when I 'clean out' my friends list I don't let anyone know. I just do it and get it done with. Sometimes they send me another request and sometimes not. Usually the ones that do send another request are added back, kind of like that 'if you love something, let it go' thing I guess
Okay, now that I've fully read the first post I have a question for you. Did the person 'sick' their friends on you or did they attack you on their own? That would be my first question. I've only deleted a few people on FB because of their attitudes and only one has ever said anything in response, so I can't really speak from experience. Hope you get things worked out.
from the pm's I've gotten both on byc and facebook this person knowingly has besmirched my name... lol I love that word.. .Besmirched...
Walk. Rude for someone to freak over the unfriend thing and have others contact you. They should contact you if they want to know what is up.

You could just block newsfeed from someone if you do not want to unfriend them.

I have been on both sides.Always a bummer if someone unfriends you,but hey that is life. I never contacted anyone over it.Figured it was their choice,and if they want to reconnect it is easy to do so.When someone freaks out and has harsh words it is hard to let it go(for a while atleast!)
I cleared out my "friends" list awhile back and only two of them seemed to notice and asked to be friended again. I declined to answer...they have my phone number and can call if they really wish to "catch up".

Your first mistake is, most likely, thinking that the word "friend" on Fakebook actually means what it means in the real world.
They use the term loosely...
talked on the phone, shared life stories, told jokes when the other was down and vice versa.. I always considered her a friend.
Heck, if I unfriended everyone on my list who thinks I am going to hell because of my religious beliefs, I would have very few friends. It doesn't exactly feel great to know that friends and family think of me that way but there isn't anything I can do about it. I have blocked a couple people from appearing on my newsfeed because I got tired of seeing their religious and political rhetoric every time I signed on, but they have no idea I blocked them. For the most part though, I just ignore things like that. I have only ever unfriended on person and that was because she posted something controversial and when I had a dissenting opinion, told me she didn't want to hear my opinion. Fine, you don't want me to post simply because I disagree with you, then you don't need to be on my list. She wasn't a good friend anyway.

As far as friends messaging you over your decision, that is too bad. I would hope that most people can be adult enough to let the people directly involved figure out their own business.
I just do the hide all posts from this user. I keep my wall pretty darn Christian but some of my family/friends are not Christians. I just hide their posts and we talk through PM or whatever. Haven't ticked anyone off yet. Of course, my friends are weird like me so may not have noticed blocked posts, hehe.

Now, there are some people I keep on my list, block their posts but use their facebook page to keep tabs on them. Gotta know what they're doing, where they are and if they even think about heading my way for an uninvited "visit".
I'm staying out of this because I value both of you, but I do Hope this does eventually blow over, because I know how much you valued eachother. Take some time for both of you to cool down and hopefully you guys can patch things up. Think of the Children.... And by that I mean me... LOL.
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