What have you named your chickens?

Anakin-Golden Phoenix Rooster
Edward-Golden Polish Rooster
Jackpot-Black sex-Link Hen
Clucky-Buff Orpington Hen
Shrimpy-Buff Orpington Hen
Buffy-Buff Orpington Hen
Little Chicken II-Black Sex-Link (Little Chicken I was killed by a dog)
Dumbledore-Splash Silkie Rooster
Justileyton-Black Silkie Hen(Name is a combination of Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber and Paris Hilton due to the fact that this chicken is incredibly vain. She likes to just sit in front of a mirror and stare at herself. She was named by the same friend who came up with Road Roller for my Brahma* look at the paragraph below the lists)

Previous Chickens that died
Bella-Silver Laced Wyandotte hen(Yes, this was Edward's favorite and only hen but there is a funny story behind that.)
Jacob-Golden Laced Wyandotte rooster(Ironically he wanted to steal Bella.... and he was killed by dogs 0_o)
Gertrude-Buff Orpington Hen
Whatserface-Buff Orpington Hen(She never actually had a name until after she died)
Trevor-Black Australorp Rooster

Roosters we gave away
Squawky-Buff Orpington Rooster
Tobi-Black Australorp Rooster(He was my big baby I miss him
Flo-Rhode Island Red Rooster(We thought he was a hen at first... and it stuck)

We are also considering naming a pair(production pair not rooster and hen) Treble and Clef(if you are into music you would know what these are). And I really want my sister to name two of her Blue laced red wyandottes Jessie and James (Because they are Blue and red..... it would be funny). I am also naming two of my buff brahma chicks(they are too young to tell the gender and I can't tell them apart yet so for now I don;t know which two) Bumblebee and RoadRoller(I'm completely serious. We can just say I have odd friends)

I'm currently needing to think of names for my two Sultans(though I have an idea for these two) some Jersey Giants and the other Brahmas. Oh and if one of the Giants is a rooster it's name is going to be Alonso, Alphonse or Alphonso. I haven't decided yet.
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I just decided on names for my new babies! The buff orp is Penny (Lane) the SLW is Lucy (in the sky with diamonds) the araucana is Rita (meter maid) and the lt brahma is Eleanor Rigby and I am naming the buff crested polish I am getting wednesday Yoko Ono!
My 3 year old named ours: Loving, Beautiful, and Smart.

So, we started off with six chicks that look alike. Three are off to a new home tomorrow. Loving Lilly is definitely the littlest chick who likes to cuddle. When we can tell the other two apart a little better, we'll see which one earns the remaining names of Beautiful Belle and Smart Sophie.
I have the Old Biddie Club

Thelma - Rhode Island
Louise - New Hampshire
Mabeline (Mabel) - Australorp
Hazel - Partridge Rock
Matilda - Barred Rock
Gertrude - Buff Orpington
Henrietta - Specled Sussex
Barred Rocks - Thelma & Louise

Buff Orpingtons - Buttercup, Tiny, Daisy and Rose

RIR's - Merlot & Burgundy

Red Polish - Phyllis Diller

White Crested Black Polish - Tina Turner (Tina became Lola when it became obvious she was a he! Phyllis became Phil. They have since found new homes)

I just today got 6 new chicks who are nameless so far...2 Wyandottes, 2 black sex links and 2 Australorps.
*DuckLuvR* :

I have the Old Biddie Club

Thelma - Rhode Island
Louise - New Hampshire
Mabeline (Mabel) - Australorp
Hazel - Partridge Rock
Matilda - Barred Rock
Gertrude - Buff Orpington
Henrietta - Specled Sussex

LOL my Buff Orpington is Gertrude (Gertie) too!
We also have:
Henrietta - a cuckoo maran
Ivy - Silver Laced Wyandotte
Evie - RIR
Bella - blue ameraucana
Bessie - bantam buff brahma
Penelope - bantam buff brahma

and the Serama flock:
Mama Cass
Looking for a Lady Gaga serama
My four year old daughter has slowly been naming our chicks. Thus far we have:

Rainbow Bear- Black Sex Link
Ice Cream Bear- Speckled Sussex
Dr. Seuss-Speckled Sussex

Our first chicken, long deceased, was named Lord Chickenpuff, until "he" laid an egg and I realized that "he" was really "she." Boy was I surprised.

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