What Have You Rescued?

Every time I bring a puppy (or a litter!) home, DH says "Why you? Why not someone else?" Well...why not me? I love animals. That's who I am. That's what I do. What if everybody said "Why not someone else?" Sadly, there aren't enough people out there willing to help so that puts a huge burden on those that do.

I feel horrible because this is my super busy season at work and I barely have time or energy to come home, cook and take care of the kids once I get done with work so I've said no to any fostering until things calm down. And I feel bad for saying no even though having them here would be a great disservice to them AND my family since I'd be spreading myself even thinner and not able to give 100% to any of them.
Every time I bring a puppy (or a litter!) home, DH says "Why you? Why not someone else?" Well...why not me? I love animals. That's who I am. That's what I do. What if everybody said "Why not someone else?" Sadly, there aren't enough people out there willing to help so that puts a huge burden on those that do.

I feel horrible because this is my super busy season at work and I barely have time or energy to come home, cook and take care of the kids once I get done with work so I've said no to any fostering until things calm down. And I feel bad for saying no even though having them here would be a great disservice to them AND my family since I'd be spreading myself even thinner and not able to give 100% to any of them.

I LOVE hearing this I get the same thing from my DH. But I continue on with my animals ALWAYS will it is who I am.
Horses, dogs, cats, pot belly pigs, ferrets, rabbits, birds, chickens, snakes, turtles, goats. If it breathes and is in the animal kingdom and looks like it needs help I will do my best! My latest rescue? My own darn horse, another 3 months and his feet should be grown out enough I can do light riding. Now I am using good feed so hopefully by summer I will have that beautiful long mane, tail and forelock back and a smooth shiny coat. I need to get the growth on his sheath checked out, appears to be skin cancer. He has always had a small (size of a pea) growth there but it is now the size of a cherry tomato.
a yearling but ginourmous hawk got hit by a car near our house; I stopped the car, blocking the road and picked it up with nothing but a seat cover blanket...it was dazed but very upset. After several hours of frantic phone calls, we met up with a certified rehabber who treated it for several weeks for concussion and it was released back in the same spot.
I too, will rescue any animal. I love all kinds of animals. Just before Christmas, my 15 y/o daughter and I rescued a pelican in the inlet which had a hook in its neck. She jumped into the water and guided it to the ladder, when I got some nice people to help the man who inadvertently snagged him when he went for his bait. I've brought up my 8 children like this, and my husband is the same. Thank you for loving all critters.
Squirrels, rabbits, cats, dogs, 2 horses, countless chickens, and this past year I saved an Eastern Screech Owl from getting hit by a car since the pretty boy had gotten himself caught out in the morning. He was in shock and there was nothing else wrong with him, so I let him go that night.
I tried rescuing a baby bird - a few hours old. But my cat had gotten to it..the bird had internal bleeding (I could see through it's skin) and I had no idea how to feed it. My dad was going to kill it, but I decided that since I found it, I would kill it.
It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do - I hope that the rest of the nest was safe, but I think my cat got the mother too, because I saw similar feathers that were on the chick scattered around the yard. I assumed Clemen got the mother - what a shame.
I stop to take turtles off of the road all the time. I just love those things.
One of the funniest things I ever saw was a foreign student (she looked asian), stopped in front of me to take a HUGE snapping turtle off of the road. That thing went after her, chased her back into her car and I nearly wet myself laughing. I guess she won't be picking up any more turtles any time soon.
A turtle that I scared the pee out of. All down my leg. I started to put it righght back in the middle of the road.
just kidding I put him over near a creak. My sister got a kick out of that one:lau

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