What I found in my box of Cheerios....

nooooo..... its not neat. Only CRAZY people open up other peoples food and put things in it.... very crazy people...

Well NOW we know who did it!!

Okay..GoldenRoo..your our #1 suspect now....
Jim Jones was a preacher the US that had a huge following. When he got enough money he bought an large spread in the south American rain-forest.(Jonestown) People moved down there to live a more natural life. At some point Jones lost it. When is debated. A US congressmen went to see what was going on down there. While he was there everything seemed ok till some of the people asked to go back to the US with him. When they got back to the small airstrip they were ambushed an assassinated. Jones then told the people what he had done. He then told them that the government would be there soon to get them all an he forced them to drink poison. All the adults new what they were drinking but drank it at gunpoint. Tim Jones shot himself. There were one or two people that hid in the woods an survived, one person at the plane lived an some kids that had gone in to the closest town that day lived.

Heavens gait in Cali. believed there was a ship in the tail of a commit that would take them to heaven. An they thought that they had to die on that day to catch it.

David Caresh in Waco though the government was to strong an would someday come get him an his people an take there rights away. The reason the government went in on him is still debated. As is who killed who... But the fact is he was right.

By the way, the razorblades or whatnot in Halloween candy has never happened. Lots of hype but no actual reports. Several people have used that as the reason there tike got hurt when they were responsible.
Yes, but the note was IN the cereal which is completely sealed in plastic for freshness.

Yes, but the note was IN the cereal which is completely sealed in plastic for freshness.

Then GM most likely does have a problem in their production line. It may have been intentional or something accidental (however careless & unacceptable). I hope that GM makes it right for you.

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