What I get for ordering multiple black chicks


6 Years
Jan 24, 2014
Lubbock, TX
OK, folks. I have posted this several places, but am getting no response so I turn to the breed ID experts. These 8 chicks contain: 1 black Minorca, 3 black Cuckoo Marans, 1 blue Andalusian, 2 Australorps, and a free mystery chick. Any help would be appreciated.

Unknown #1:

Unknown #2:

Unknown #3:

Unknown #4:

Unknown #5:

Unknown #6:

Unknown #7:

Unknown #8:

Unknown #7 died last night, and I'm trying to identify what I lost. Thanks in advance!
#6, 7, 8 are your Cuckoo Marans...white head dot indicating barring or cuckooing...If I am not seeing that correctly in the photos...pick out the 3 chicks with clear white head dots and they will be the Cuckoo's.

#2 and #5 are likely your Australorps

#3 is likely your Blue Andalusian

Leaving #1 as your Black Minorcas and #4 mystery chick??

My guesses.
Lady of McCamley
#6, 7, 8 are your Cuckoo Marans...white head dot indicating barring or cuckooing...If I am not seeing that correctly in the photos...pick out the 3 chicks with clear white head dots and they will be the Cuckoo's.

#2 and #5 are likely your Australorps

#3 is likely your Blue Andalusian

Leaving #1 as your Black Minorcas and #4 mystery chick??

My guesses.
Lady of McCamley
I agree.
Mystery chick (#4) also has the white spot on the head (I know it is not evident from the bad pic). This means either it was a BCM that died, or perhaps mystery chick IS a BCM.
Thank you very much for the help. I do have one additional question:
You said the white dot/stripe on head is evidence of cuckoo or barring. Are there any other breeds that would have the dark body with a black head and white dot other than BCM or barred rocks? I suppose mystery chick could still be one of those. OR, I could simply be patient and wait until they get a few weeks older and it's easier to tell . . . .
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Just an explanation on comonly used acronyms....BCM stands for black copper Marans. Cuckoos are always black, so you don't need to specify the black color, they're just cuckoo. I'm just trying to keep things from getting confusing--someone could come along, not read the entire thread, just your last response, then post back about how you're all messed up because black copper Marans don't have a white head spot.....and then things could get very confusing and messy.......I know, that's one of the problems with using acronyms in the first place, but we just get too lazy to type everything out all the time....

Anyway.....any black barred or cuckoo breed is going to have that white head spot. Cuckoo Marans, barred Rocks, barred Hollands, Dominiques, California greys....those are the ones I'm thinking off the top of my head. There are barred Cochins, too, but they're feather legged.
Just an explanation on comonly used acronyms....BCM stands for black copper Marans. Cuckoos are always black, so you don't need to specify the black color, they're just cuckoo. I'm just trying to keep things from getting confusing--someone could come along, not read the entire thread, just your last response, then post back about how you're all messed up because black copper Marans don't have a white head spot.....and then things could get very confusing and messy.......I know, that's one of the problems with using acronyms in the first place, but we just get too lazy to type everything out all the time....

Anyway.....any black barred or cuckoo breed is going to have that white head spot. Cuckoo Marans, barred Rocks, barred Hollands, Dominiques, California greys....those are the ones I'm thinking off the top of my head. There are barred Cochins, too, but they're feather legged.
I'm learning as I go along too, so bear with me while I ask a question. Does the pinkish color and black front on the legs mean anything as far as identification of breed? The reason I ask is because I have two with that exact leg coloration and when I posted a question about what kind of chick it was the consensus was Black Barred Rock.
Got it - thanks for the clarification. I work in a profession where we have more acronyms than the military, and yes, it gets confusing.
#6, 7, 8 are your Cuckoo Marans...white head dot indicating barring or cuckooing...If I am not seeing that correctly in the photos...pick out the 3 chicks with clear white head dots and they will be the Cuckoo's.

#2 and #5 are likely your Australorps

#3 is likely your Blue Andalusian

Leaving #1 as your Black Minorcas and #4 mystery chick??

My guesses.
Lady of McCamley
YEP - I agree!
Got it - thanks for the clarification. I work in a profession where we have more acronyms than the military, and yes, it gets confusing.
Now I gotta know---what profession? I'm a nurse and we can get a lot, but those military folks take it to a whole new level

Unless, of course, you'd have to kill me after you tell me....then I don't really need to know. Honestly!

I'm learning as I go along too, so bear with me while I ask a question. Does the pinkish color and black front on the legs mean anything as far as identification of breed? The reason I ask is because I have two with that exact leg coloration and when I posted a question about what kind of chick it was the consensus was Black Barred Rock.
Pink/white skin should be a Marans, Rocks should have yellow. I think Dominiques also have yellow. A dark wash of color down the front of the leg is usually considered a sign of a female chick, males won't have that. It's one of those not-a-hundred-percent things, but often enough to be a guideline.

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