What I said as a little kid...


Somehow the resurrection and the thriller video got crossed in his mind.
Aperantly I said to my parents before i was sent off to bed " I know what you do when i have to go to bed!" they went a little red asked well what do we do?"

and I replied indignantly! "you have cookies and coffee!"
I'm telling my age now, but hey~~I like being old. Anyway, when I was a child, cigarettes were advertised on TV.
One Sunday, my mom & I went to a friends church (of a different religion)....anyway, time to sing the hymn and I didn't know the words....
I belted out in my best 5 yr old voice---"Winston tastes good like a cigarette should, Winston tastes good like a cigarette should" (it's funnier if you know the tune)
needless to say, we didn't go back to that church
when I was a child i would go over to a childless couples house a lot during the summer. they had this little sheitzu and I always played with the sweet little dog. well one day I was petting and brushing the dog and I found her long floppy ears under all that fur and in shock I said " she has EARS?!"

and the woman said with amusement "Of course she has ears"

and I replied incrediously (did I misspell this?) " I just though she had little holes in her head like birds do"

and I thought she was going to have a coronary she laughed so hard. I hated being laughed at as a kid and sulked heavily.
When I was about four I announced to a train load of businessmen that it was a little hard to tell a bull from a steer if it was laying down. My family never let me forget that one.

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