What if?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 30, 2012
I have been trying to hatch some Aylesbury Ducky eggs. I started with 6 but now with 2 days to go, I've only got two. It's just over 2 days so I put my ear to an egg and heard it tapping on the shel!!! I heard nothing with the other one :( so what if only one hatches? I have been looking on the Internet and found 5 nice ones on the Internet but they come with their mum and dad. Would it be unfair if I took two ducklings away from here to accompany the only duckling we hatch? would they bully them if they were older?
Leaving one duck to grow up on its own would be very lonely- so getting ANY breed would be ok- when ducklings are young they can adapt very quickly- but those that are raised by the mother arent usually as tame as ones you hand raise. How old are the ones for sale with their parents? Id its under two weeks you should be able to put the babies together after the tiny one is well established and eating well ( about 3-4 days )

Hopefully it wont come to that- and you will have both eggs hatch.
I'm not too sure on getting the ducks now! My mum said that I would have to get rid of my incubator if i got them. But now one of the eggs is starting to chip on te outside so i'm really exited!!! I might try and buy just 1 day old from somewhere so it should be ok. :)
Thanks for your help!!!
I raised one duckling successfully. He came everywhere with me and was imprinted to me. Sometimes the dog would sleep in with him and keep him company. I gave him toys and he did just perfect. He had a friend for the first few day but we had to give her away. After that he was fine alone. At night he would peep for me for an hour but he eventually settled down. As long as u spend at least 3+ hours a day with them as babies their fine until they move in with the other adults. He now lives with two Pekins and is doing fine.
I would advise against keeping any social animal alone for any length of time, especially a young one but even full grown ones--whether ducks, chickens, goats, sheep, or whatever. Even if he "seems ok" it is still stressful and screws with their heads and the social development of the young ones.

In fact, I believe that in Switzerland it's illegal to do so...
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The other one hatched! Horray! But the only problem is now is that his legs arn't strong enough for him to move around!! I looked on the internet and it looks like he has been born with splayed legs or something like that. Is it possible to be born like this? If it is that how do I cure it ( if its cureable) and pictures would be handy?
Thanks! :)

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