What in the world are these girls/guys?

beast OA

7 Years
Dec 7, 2012
Got two chickens. raised them from about a month old. We were told they were hens, Ameracunas to be exact. Being rather new to the whole chicken game we were none the wiser. They girls/boys(?) are now about 4 months old and the wife and I are beginning to doubt that our new buddies are hens.I've attached some video to this of them fighting ( I think) to get some more seasoned opinions. Thanks for all of you help in advance.
Although hens will also engage in such mock or play fighting, you have two Easter egger cockerels. Sorry.
Yep, easter egger cockerals. We can tell not by the fighting, which hens absolutely do, but by the color and hackle and saddle feathers that only males have.
I love it when my chickens are staring each other down in mirror form. they look so funny...But yes looks like 2 boys to me.

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