What in the world is my girl doing?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 20, 2012
Prince William County, VA
I have a flock of chickens - 11 hens and 2 rooster (getting rid of one because he's gone after people a few times). They always stick together - either as one big group or split into 2 or 3 groups, but I've never caught one alone.

Until last weekend. My favorite bird was 50 feet from me and then suddenly she was gone. I freaked out and we searched for 40 minutes. Finally my son saw her coming out of the trees from the direction of our one neighbor's place.

Today I went out to give them treats and counted and I was missing one - checked them and realized it was my girl again. This time I just headed straight through the trees to the neighbor's place calling her. Sure enough I was almost to the opening of the trees at his yard and she was coming towards me.

There is about 400 feet from his house to mine - so about 200-300 feet of trees and brush - it's not thick at all, especially with all the leaves being off trees and bushes.

My question is - what in the world is she doing? Part of me thinks she's going over there to lay eggs - but I don't know where and I don't want to just snoop around his yard (I'm going to knock on the door, offer some eggs, and ask if I can look tomorrow). Is it normal for one chicken to wander that far away? They've never gone in those trees or towards that direction before. This is also only the second time that I know of that she's gone - and when they are free ranging and I'm home I tend to be outside the entire time or I go out quite often to check on them.

I also just worry that by being alone, she's more likely to get snatched up by something....


(She's a buff orpington - big friendly girl - that's why she's my favorite :)
I think she's looking for a place to hide her eggs.
Either that or she's being adventurous. We had acres of lovely pasture for our chickens to roam and I frequently had to go chase them off the neighbour's farm. His farm must've been more interesting for them.
Update: Neighbor was yelling for me one day so I went over... He pointed to a tree on the ground - it was dead and laying flat... I bent over and looked at it and underneath...

Darn bird. I collected them all and I haven't caught her going back since....
I found 16 eggs in a hidden nest in our barn just this morning. Nothing wrong with their nest boxes
Keep an eye on your girl. She may start looking for another spot now that you and the neighbour caught her.

BTW I love your avatar pic. Too cute!

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