What in the world is wrong with me?

Update...CityGirlintheCountry, you were right, I was working on my first kidney stone. It left my kidney on Sunday night (around 11:00 pm) and I wound up in the ER around 2:00 am with pain and vomiting so bad I thought I would die... THANK GOD FOR IV DRUGS!

My stone was huge (10x5 cm) so the urologist had to perform a little surgery on me yesterday and put a stent in my kidney and bladder. He was planning on doing the laser thing to break up the stone but DH says that he thinks (he was majorly sleep deprived) that the doctor said he wasn't able to do it, so I'm not sure if he did or didn't. Don't really care as long as the pain is gone! I have to strain my urine and put any stone remnants in a vial to take backt to the urologist. He also found a second stone in my kidney. Does this mean I'm going to have to go through all that pain once it leaves my kidney too?
I have a follow up appointment with him on March 9 so I guess I find out what to expect with that one then.
Thank you! I've never experienced pain like that before and sure hope I never do again. Have you had kidney stones? I actually told my DH that since I had given birth 4 times that he should be the one birthing a kidney stone, not me...
My poor DH. He was right by my side the through the whole thing and went nearly 48 hours without sleep. I had to make him go to bed last night. What a sweet man I have.
I'm so sorry that I was right. That is the worst pain that I have ever experienced and mine were tiny! Poor you with a big one! I really thought I was dying when I had mine.

I have an uncle that is prone to kidney stones, but he generally gets a dozen at a time. I cannot fathom the pain level. He is a man among men for being able to tolerate that and suffer in silence (for the most part).

Hopefully they have given you good drugs that end in "cet" and you can be pain free soon!
just a suggeston, I was told by a urologist not to drink tea. No ice tea, No hot tea and get rid of the sodas. Drink lots and lots of water! Tea is high in calcium oxalate and can contribute to stones.
I've been drinking tons of water. Haven't had my daily mug of coffee for two days now... can't believe I haven't gotten a caffeine withdrawal headache!
I guess the Percocets are keeping those at bay.
I don't normally drink soft drinks and rarely have tea so that hasn't been a problem. I have had a couple of glasses of milk. I love milk and can't imagine having to give that up.

After reading some info about kidney stones online I've made an appointment with a family physician to have some long overdue labs done and to have my thyroid checked out. My GYN found a lump on my thyroid gland last Oct and wanted me to have an ultrasound done on it. Well, I've hemmed and hawed about actually having it done until now. Then I find out that the parathyroid glands can actually be a cause of kidney stones. If that's the case in my situation, I guess it's no one's fault except my own for putting this off.
umm ive noticed alot of u mention the pain factor of a kidney stone...i have a q'tn...ive given birth with the help of an epidural....so i stopped the pain before it was bad....my partner has had a kidney stone though while he had a uti...not a good combo...needed to pee alot, couldnt, it hurt...plus the pain of the stone trying to come through...though it was 100% his fault....dont ask how it just was....the docs have told him its equal/worse then child birth, and im due for baby #2 in 3 weeks...my partner thinks im a wuss for taking the easy way out...epidural....and complains about my use of language and short...vry short...fuse when i had the last birth....so my question is....how does the pain compare to childbirth, am i really a wuss for taking the drugs, and who is in the right? him or me in relation to my "techniques" for dealing with the extremeness of having to push out an 8 pound baby? no complications b.t.w textbook birth, i started labour pains fri night had her late sun morn...in hospital giving birth start to finish for 12hours.
Ramdom, I've given birth 4 times. Twice with an epidural and twice completely natural and let me just say, I think I'd rather give birth to an elephant than have to go through the pain of a kidney stones again! The pain is intense, to the point of making you vomit over and over again, and there is NO RELIEF! At least with labor you get a break between contractions. Not with passing a kidney stone. There is no break, there is no position to get the slightest bit comfortable in, it is sheer MISERY! Plus, at the end of it there is no baby to bring home. You have nothing to look forward to except relief from pain!

Best wishes with your labor (if you can't take the pain, do the epidural!) and I hope you never have a stone to compare it to.

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