What is a good dog to have around chickens?

Definately NOT a Husky!! Mine has eaten a few birds...
We have a german shorthaired pointer. He's very good with the birds, but we don't ever give him cause to be otherwise. We're training him to his master hunter, and he seems continually frustrated with us for not seeming to notice the chickens he's pointing at

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I also have a German shorthair and a lab who are fine around the hens. Have had two visiting dogs attack the chickens and they were a shih-tzu and a chihuahua! I think it depends largely on the the individual, but a dog with a higher prey drive (such as the hunting dogs) would probably require more training.
Most ANY breed can be trained to leave the chickens alone.
It's just easier with breeds that dont have a lot of prey drive.
It's also much easier to train a pup than an older dog.
There are no promises that any individual dog will work out.
Sometimes you just get lucky:

My cavalier king charles spaniels (there is one in my avatar) pretty much ignore the chickens. They are also terrified of goats!
I recently went through this very same question (started a similar thread under pets & other livestock)... I ended up getting an Aussie puppy who doesn't seem to show any interest whatsoever in the chickens (in a good way... she just doesn't bother or chase them), although she does bark at the young ones in the brooder because they're so active and noisy.
So... I'm hoping she'll be a good chicken dog. She's on the small side and will probably be around 35 pounds full-grown... good size and temperament for a family pet too.
my jack russel Sach sleeps with the chickens during the day( he's an old guy) my chiwawa trys to play with them but the chickens think he is a rat.

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