what is a reasonable size chicken door for larger chicken breeds?

Long Last Farm

9 Years
Apr 30, 2010
Southern Tier, NY
My hubby is rehabbing an old tack building on our property into a chicken coop. When I have before and after pictures, I will post them. It's coming along slowly but surely

His question is:

What would be a reasonable size for a chicken door that will be used by the larger standard breeds of chickens (BO)?
Thanks for all replies!
Mine is 12 inches wide and 15 inches tall, but I also have a rooster who uses it. (I don't think I took him into consideration when I CUT the door, though.... anyway, he gets in just fine.) Most of my chickens are chunky. They's "fluffy" not fat.
It can be smaller than you'd think. If I recall correctly, mine is around 12 X 13 inches. A couple of my hens are fairly big (Brahma's).

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