What is considered an Easter Egger?

What are Easter Egg chickens?

The Ameraucana Alliance defines an Easter Egg chicken or Easter Egger as any chicken that possesses the blue egg gene, but doesn’t fully meet any breed descriptions as defined in the APA and/or ABA standards. Further, even if a bird meets an Ameraucana standard breed description, but doesn’t meet a variety description or breed true at least 50% of the time it is considered an Easter Egg chicken. By definition an Easter Egger is not a breed of chicken.

(Some have claimed that any variety that isn’t recognized, by the APA/ABA, is an Easter Egger, but that is not true according to the definition above. For example, lavender Ameraucanas breed true and are not Easter Eggers.)
Here's a different breed I found called an "Estelle" easter egger that claims to be unrelated to the Araucana breeds. It's imported from the Czech Republic. So I think the Easter Egger terminology refers to anything that lays a colored egg. Just because a chicken is called an "Easter Egger" doesn't mean it has Araucana or Ameraucana in it's ancestry.

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