What is going on?


In the Brooder
Dec 13, 2021
My chicken is breathing through their mouth and it sounds like a respiratory issue. I currently have her separated with fresh food and water outside on my balcony. There is a scab looking bump on her crest with a green dot (maybe infected) so I’m not sure if this is the cause. I didn’t catch it before since it kind of blends into the crest and didn’t notice until I saw her mouth breathing and took a closer look. I’m not sure of the cause but it could have been made by my Juvenile rooster who is getting big, or a fight, or maybe the breathing problems are unrelated? She seems fine if I stay back from the cage, but if I approach she gets anxious and breathes heavily. Unfortunately she will have to stick it out until I get home from work and can take her to the vet.
It does sound like she has mucus in her airways. I hear some sneezing and rales (crackles) when she breathes. Can you see any bubbles or foam in either eye? Any swelling in her face on either side? She may have a respiratory disease.
Unfortunately she passed away before we made it to the vet appointment. My best guess is gape worm or a respiratory disease.
Sorry for your loss. In most states, if you lose a chicken to illness, if the body is kept cold (not frozen,) and is taken in or sent in to the state vet for a necropsy right away, they can usually find the cause of death. If this turns out to be a respiratory disease, and another chicken gets sick, here is a list of state vets in your area to contact:
Sorry for your loss. In most states, if you lose a chicken to illness, if the body is kept cold (not frozen,) and is taken in or sent in to the state vet for a necropsy right away, they can usually find the cause of death. If this turns out to be a respiratory disease, and another chicken gets sick, here is a list of state vets in your area to contact:
Unfortunately I’m not in the US but thank you.
Gapeworm is pretty rare depending on your location. She most likely had an illness, so watch the others she was around for any similar symptoms. Respiratory infections such as Mycoplasma Gallisepticum (MG), Mycoplasma Synoviae (MS), Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV), Infectious Coryza and Infectious Laryngotracheitis Virus (ILT) can cause respiratory symptoms and death in young birds.

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