What is happening to her?


5 Years
May 16, 2014
Finger Lakes, NY
This is my buff brahma, Pidgey. She's around 1.5 yrs old. My flock was attacked by a possum and 2 of the flock killed, this happened about 3 mths ago or so. Ever since then, her color has been fading. I have no idea whether the attack had anything to do with it, besides the timing. Since the attack, her behavior changed also. She used to be a brat, not friendly and pecky and bossy with the other hens. She's great now. What could be happening to her feathers?
Before pic

Now pic
This is my buff brahma, Pidgey. She's around 1.5 yrs old. My flock was attacked by a possum and 2 of the flock killed, this happened about 3 mths ago or so. Ever since then, her color has been fading. I have no idea whether the attack had anything to do with it, besides the timing. Since the attack, her behavior changed also. She used to be a brat, not friendly and pecky and bossy with the other hens. She's great now. What could be happening to her feathers?
Before pic
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Now pic
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Yes her feathers are weathered now. It's quite noticeable like that but I wouldn't worry. When she moult she'll go back to her normal colour! She looks lovely! I suppose to find good in bad I think that after the possum attack she may now appreciate you more. I'm sorry about your other two hens.
All feathers fade and get ratty. The molt refreshes them and the color returns. Make sure to feed a higher protein ration this time of year to help them grow in those feathers. In general good layers molt harder and quick. Poor layers take their time molting.

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