what is.... he? (pic heavy)


9 Years
May 21, 2010
st. Louis
order this chick from Mcmurray as an exotic chick and a few weeks ago i was told that this was a black sex link because of the browning on its wing and its over all dark coloration from a fellow BYCer but as it grew its comb its comb started to become rather large and red (bigger then my orpington's which are about 6-7 weeks old while this one is about 4ish weeks) and the brown feathers are starting to turn white on its chest while on its back the brown becomes lighter slower

^can you see the white feathers?


^this is a good pic of the combs size its bigger then some of the Cornish X i got with em

^ this was the pic used to determine that it was a BLS pullet
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im not that very good at telling breeds this early age an it looks like nothing i've seen in the Mcmurry catalog
Perhaps a poor quality Cuckoo Marans or a poor quality Partridge Rock... but most certainly, a roo.

Amazing how much it changed.
they only ship cuckoo Marans and partridge rocks between feb- july and he came during October but if he was one of these i would be beyond pleased with Mcmurray.
yes but this guy doesn't resemble anything from Mcmurray and was mistaken for a black sex link pullet. so i thought he could be a mutation of some kind also if you look closely at his chest in the first and second pic you can see that he is developing some white feathering so i also thought he could have late development of barring. also i thought that just maybe in this community that some one could have an example of a chicken that developed this weird way.
If a bird is barred, you'll see a white or yellow dot on its head. If it isn't, you won't see the dot.

It is likely a mutt or a brown-red variety of some breed I cannot think of right now. The only true color that starts black then gets some color are brown-reds. (also known as black copper)
thank you illia i guess Mcmurry messed up when they gave me this chick (ill post more pics of it when its older just to show what it looks like when its older)

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