What is in my backyard now...(sigh)...Binkey didn't make it**

Oh my god. Between this little cutie and the cat and dolphin video (in Random Ramblings) I'm on cute overload! He's so cute! I just wanna hug him!
Thank you... Had his mom not died, I'm sure he would have been 'beef' at some later point. I've named him 'Binkey' and I don't think DH would have the heart to do anything else with him but keep him as a 'pet' bull.
Chickey Tocks, Kelly G and Poulets De Cajun; I wish you could see my whole backyard. The only thing thats in a pen are the pheasants. The chickens free range during the day and are cooped at night. The quail comes and goes as she pleases (a wild quail). My fish pond is a big modified feed trough and the goldfish are tame, too. If you put your fingers in the water they come up and 'kiss' you. And now we have Binkey. Patsy, my collie, loves them all... thank goodness. I've had a garter snake hanging around that seems to like the calf; it was sleeping with him yesterday afternoon. Today, it came over to the middle of the yard when DH and I were feeding the calf. I've decided he can visit, but he can't stay... Trust me, there is no more room at the inn!
Oh, I'd love to send you some calf breath...its pretty special. I'm guessing he got some colostrum because he's pretty instinctive. I have no way of knowing how long his mother lived after he was born, but there are lots of predators out there; coyotes, bobcats and alligators as the pasture backs up to a marsh. I can't imagine him lasting more than a couple of nights without protection. He was so dehydrated when DH brought him home. He went over to the fish pond and drank immediately and within a couple of hours had rehydrated so that at least his little eyes weren't sunk in. He didn't want the bottle much yesterday but he's got it down today. I'll do my best...
Laurajean, WoodlandWoman and theoldchick; I wish you were closer, too. I live in a neighborhood next to the city limit. My backyard is just a regular sized backyard but its so cute with all the animals back there...and they all get along with each other...even the dog and the quail...and the calf...and the chickens...

I'd love to give you all the opportunity to feed and love him. You've never lived until you've had a calf continuously suck on your pantsleg like its a binkey...
You might want to consider making him a pet 'steer'. Bulls do not make good pets, but I've for sure been there, this is my pet, Mickey,

He's in his late teens now. I have a few other pets, but I do my best to stick w/ heifers.
I'm really hoping he makes it; he seems a little weaker today and I think he should be getting more milk down. But its really hot here today so maybe that has something to do with it. He's really sweet; he'll make a really good pet 'steer' for somebody.
He seems to do better with drinking out of a bucket instead of the bottle. He was walking all around the backyard getting into things he shouldn't before he laid down for the night. I sure hope he makes really big strides tomorrow. I have to be in court early, but I should be able to come back for a feeding by 10:00 am. If I can just get him over the hump, I'll feel so much relief...

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