What is in my eggs?

Deer lane farm

In the Brooder
5 Years
Aug 26, 2014
I'm sorry if this topic has been answered already. I looked the the threads and can't find what I'm looking for. I understand if you take a fertilized egg and put in the frig right away, then it won't grow into a chick. I hard boiled a bunch of eggs. About 3 of them were all yoke, no white. And there was a grey mushy thing and smelled really bad. Which I thought was a baby chick starting to form. But the hens didn't sit on them and I did put them in the frig. Maybe...... i left the eggs a couple days and the girls sat on them for a couple days, but it couldn't be more then a couple days. I thought that it would take atlas 5 days to start to form and even then it wouldn't be a big grey mush? Is this a baby chick forming or could it be something else. I sell my eggs and I don't want to be selling bad eggs. Thanks
I have no idea what you had, but it was not a developing embryo. Too bad you didn't take a picture. If there were an embryo, there would have been a developing vascular system in the egg. There's definitely something wrong with your eggs if they are all yolk and no white. Next time, post a pic. I'd suggest that you crack a few into a plate or bowl and check them.
Maybe the eggs were spoiled, but you didn't notice them because they were buried? I don't know, but I have cracked open spoiled eggs after they have been set and I have also cracked open eggs of every egg that I've incubating that has died and never seen anything resembling what you've described. Do you think the egg was from the same hen? Perhaps she has something wrong with her?
I'm going to check some now and if I see it again I'll take a picture. I goggles lash egg. May have been, but didn't really look like that. The outside of the egg was perfectly normal. If it happens again I'll post a pick. Thanks everyone. I thought it was a Rooster problem. But a sick hen could be worse. We did have some very unusual warm days the last few weeks. Maybe it went bad.
I just cracked open a bunch in a bowl and all is fine. Then I hardboiled a bunch, which is how I found the bad ones the last time. And these are all fine. The more I look at the Lash egg pics, it does kinda look like that, but it had a perfect shell on it where you couldn't tell. Can a lash egg be inside a perfect shell? I hope not cause then someone is sick I'll keep researching
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