What is it?


6 Years
Jul 31, 2013
My Abby chicken is 18 months and has been going through molt. At last she was looking like her beautiful self - but her comb turned pink and flopped to one side...then yesterday she seemed to have a large lump on her breast. When I felt it today, it was about the size of a jumbo egg. What could this be? What does she need? Help is greatly appreciated!!!
The lump is on her right breast, kind of low - as you look directly at her it is quite noticeable. I will try to get a good picture tomorrow.
The lump on her chest is most likely a full crop. If you palpitate it, does it feel like a firm bean bag.... ie a bag full or particles?

As regards her comb being pale and flopped over. That might depend on her breed... my leghorns and legbars have large floppy combs that are more pink than red and hang over one eye whereas my RIR and Marans have a very scarlet upright comb. If your hen's comb used to be scarlet and now it is pale, then you may have a problem with red mites or internal parasites(worms) causing anaemia. Red mites hide in crevices in the coop during the day and creep onto the hens at night and suck their blood. If you get a brush and a dustpan and sweep any crevices at the ends of the roost bars onto the dustpan, you will most likely see red mites if they are the culprit. If you squish them, you will see blood. It is the hens blood that actually turns them red. I dip a soft brush in Diatomaceous Earth (DE) and use it to dust all the cracks and crevices during the day when the hens are out, but make sure to wear a mask as the dust is harmful.
If it isn't red mites and you haven't wormed your hens recently then it might be worth doing that.

Good luck with bringing her back to prime health.


This morning the lump was gone! It did palpitate like a bean bag - maybe she had a full crop? Abby is a NHR and has had a bright red upright comb, and this morning it was brighter than yesterday but not back to normal. What a relief she seems to be okay! Thank you for your kind advice!
I will check for mites and worms and use the DE...it has been exceptionally cold here and now exceptionally warm so the odd weather may have some effect? Thank you for your kind thoughts and suggestions!
For some reason my girls seem to have really pronounced crops at this time of year. I think perhaps, when the weather is poor and there is nothing else to do but stuff their faces with pellets and scratch, that's what they are inclined to do. Whereas when the weather is fine and especially if they are like mine and free range, they get out there and forage for more interesting morcels
in the paddocks and muck heap.

Good to hear your girl is looking better today and you are feeling less worried about her.

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