What is killing all my chickens?


Aug 17, 2020
I had 16 chickens die the same day a few weeks ago. Necroposy said they were healthy when they died and were chased by a dog where they clustered and overheated in the coop. Last week I had a hen that stopped eating and was acting lethargic and sick. She died. Now this 4 week old pullet is looking terrible. I have corid but don't know the dosage or even if it is coccidiosis. Her butt and nose is clear but she's just sitting like this. She's the only one acting this bad. What could be happening. If I should use corid how much is the dosage for 4 week Olds - 6 month Olds- and 3 year olds. I haven't seen any bloody poop but could it still be cocci?


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She looks very ill. Blood only is seen in some cases of coccidiosis. Dosage of Corid is the same for all chickens. Put 2 tsp of the liquid or 1.5 tsp in each gallon of water for 5-7 days. In addition for a chicken this sick, I would give some undiluted Corid orally 1/4 tsp per pound of weight daily. Make aure to encourage her to drink the water. How hot is it in the coop?
It depends on which strain of coccidia of the nine strains that target chickens if blood shows up in poop.

How hot is it where you live? If this four-week old is housed in a hot coop with poor ventilation, that may be what's causing its troubles.
She looks very ill. Blood only is seen in some cases of coccidiosis. Dosage of Corid is the same for all chickens. Put 2 tsp of the liquid or 1.5 tsp in each gallon of water for 5-7 days. In addition for a chicken this sick, I would give some undiluted Corid orally 1/4 tsp per pound of weight daily. Make aure to encourage her to drink the water. How hot is it in the coop?
It's like 90 outside and 85 inside unless I close the windows which makes it like 95-100. They were closed when the 16 chickens died but ever since then they are open 24 hours.
It depends on which strain of coccidia of the nine strains that target chickens if blood shows up in poop.

How hot is it where you live? If this four-week old is housed in a hot coop with poor ventilation, that may be what's causing its troubles.
Oh and she's outside all day long in an outdoor pen
Should I isolate her or is there no point since if it's coccidiosis the whole flock has it
No! Treat the whole flock. Corid is a relatively benign treatment, It won't hurt birds who don't need it, but will knock out the issue in birds that aren't showing symptoms, yet.

When you treat, start with a straight dose laid directly alongside the beak. They'll open to swallow it on their own. Then add it to their water. Be sure to offer ONLY Corid-treated water. Take out any other water sources. Do NOT supplement with vitamins, as the Corid works by depriving the Coccidia of the B vitamins they need to thrive.

Once the five day treatment is over, remove all of the treated water, replace it with clean, fresh stuff and treat the whole flock with a full-range vitamin supplement - any standard poultry vitamin that contains B should do the trick. The follow-up is important, because what the coccidia aren't the only organisms that need the B vitamins, so do your chickens! The full-range vitamin supplement will boost their systems back up and hopefully keep them from crashing. Add Corid to your emergency kit. Coccidia live in the soil ... pretty much ALL soil - and the strain can vary from yard to yard - so you will most likely need it again at some point. I keep a fresh bottle on hand at all times and replace it as it expires. Better safe than sorry!

Good Luck!

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