What is Mama missing?

Thank you! I guess I assumed there'd be eggs cuz you know newbie of sorts lol at my last check 10 minutes ago Miss Thang had 3 eggs under her but her white egg was under her bantam sister trying to go broody a box down! Lol but yeah no girlfriend let's do 1 at a time. She barely argued at all with me & went to roost. Since that egg was warm I dated & put under Miss Thang so she's got 4 eggs 2 standards and 2 bantams. I'm thinking/hoping that'll be enough for a first hatch that occurs in winter!
4 eggs will be fine. Just keep taking any newly laid eggs. Good luck with her!
Thank you! Thank you all so much! And to think I was told my 5 buffs who should start laying soon are all gonna wanna to this as well more than likely. In fact I think that train of thought pretty much applies to every single one of my girls! Yikes lol
Hens lay eggs to perpetuate the species.

Hens do not lay in order for us to enjoy omelets.

Egg older than 14 or 15 days old quickly loses hatchability. To this effect it is perfectly natural for a hen to begin setting after she has laid only 12 to 18 eggs.

The natural number of eggs that hens once laid was about 15 and then they took to their nest to incubate for 21 days, followed by a 4 to 6 week period of mothering her chicks before she began to lay again.

If you are interested in owning a heritage breed, this is what heritage breeds entails.
Hens lay eggs to perpetuate the species.

Hens do not lay in order for us to enjoy omelets.

Egg older than 14 or 15 days old quickly loses hatchability. To this effect it is perfectly natural for a hen to begin setting after she has laid only 12 to 18 eggs.

The natural number of eggs that hens once laid was about 15 and then they took to their nest to incubate for 21 days, followed by a 4 to 6 week period of mothering her chicks before she began to lay again.

If you are interested in owning a heritage breed, this is what heritage breeds entails.
Thank you! I do have one Dominique I'm sure of, possibly another 2 but they do not look like the same breed to me at this point. I'd like to some day down the road have more heritage breeds but for now with my learning curve my small flock of 15 not counting broodys eggs will have to do. Mainly bcuz I'm so not ready to tell the SO he's got to build more chicken stuff for me! Lol
Thank you! I do have one Dominique I'm sure of, possibly another 2 but they do not look like the same breed to me at this point. I'd like to some day down the road have more heritage breeds but for now with my learning curve my small flock of 15 not counting broodys eggs will have to do. Mainly bcuz I'm so not ready to tell the SO he's got to build more chicken stuff for me! Lol
I’m in the same boat as you right now.
My first year with chickens.
My 6 month old bantam buff Cochin went broody on Halloween.
My first broody and it’s freezing out here in Idaho at night.
She has 2 eggs that aren’t hers that I gave her on Monday when I realized she’s serious about it.
I was lucky to get those because my 5 layers aren’t really laying right now and she’s one of them lol.
I’m in the same boat as you right now.
My first year with chickens.
My 6 month old bantam buff Cochin went broody on Halloween.
My first broody and it’s freezing out here in Idaho at night.
She has 2 eggs that aren’t hers that I gave her on Monday when I realized she’s serious about it.
I was lucky to get those because my 5 layers aren’t really laying right now and she’s one of them lol.
They are endless entertainment right? I was getting maybe 2 eggs out of my girls - 3 bantams and 2 standards add one broody bantam girl and I get 4, the 3 almost ready to lay pullets are watching very carefully! I have 5 buffs maybe 2 weeks younger than pullets before them. I hear these ladies should be super calm right? Nah, got 2 of them that are already shooting straight for top of pecking order. My happy place is outside (unless it's cold and by cold I mean under 70 degrees - I'm from Florida living in Texas) in the sunshine with the animals!

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