What is my chicken deal. Could she be to hot?


In the Brooder
Jun 6, 2022
She's frolicking around doing her thing and she keeps clucking and open mouth breathing. She's eating healthy and drinking plenty of water. She's in the shade and cool. Could she just be hot still. The breeze feels good to me.
How hot is it? People sweat but chickens don't so what might feel ok to us, still is too hot for our chickens.
It's 97 out side. About 94 in the shade with the breeze. I'm about to put their kiddie pool out here with some water and rocks in it. She's acting pretty normal besides that. She's currently chase a bug threw the grass trying to catch it lol
It's 97 out side. About 94 in the shade with the breeze. I'm about to put their kiddie pool out here with some water and rocks in it. She's acting pretty normal besides that. She's currently chase a bug threw the grass trying to catch it lol
I always gave them some save a chick mixed in their water in case she's dehydrated
Likely just hot. The pool sounds good! I mist my girls when they get hot and put some ice cubes in their water dish and in a couple spots in their run which they let melt and then hang out in the cool mud.
Likely just hot. The pool sounds good! I mist my girls when they get hot and put some ice cubes in their water dish and in a couple spots in their run which they let melt and then hang out in the cool mud.
Im.about to give them some frozen fruit. I put ice in the save a chick and they loved it. I also have some random Frisbee laying around with water in them they like to step in.

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