What Is My Chicken Doing? Help!


Faith & Feathers
11 Years
May 1, 2011
Olathe, Kansas
My favorite chicken (and also house-chicken) Ebony, is worrying me.
She keeps doing this strange thing. It seems like she vomits, but she swallows it before it comes out all the way.
It's very strange looking. She seems okay otherwise, although she has been sneezing a little.
Is she okay? I'm worried about her. She's my favorite and I do't want anything to happen to her!
As a parrot owner, my question is does it smell her up chuck? The sneezing could be her trying to eat before its out and could be going to her air sack (lungs) .the smell could be yeast infection in her crop
Vet time
Speaking as a parrot owner, am new on chicken.
Well, she's fine now. I was getting worried. I think the problem was that she drank too much water. I've had chickens throw up after drinking too much before, but they have never swallowed it. Well... after all, Ebby is one strange bird.

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