What is my ordinance saying?

The complainers must prove their case - not you. We've had experiences with complaining neighbors. When I was a kid, my brother had a rock band in the basement. The neighbors complained to the cops - cops came over - stood in between their house and ours and said "Is that what you're complaining about?" Wasn't any louder than normal conversation! Then we lived in a development as adults - it had "deed restrictions" like no fences over X feet high in front yard, no clothes lines, no campfires, etc. Well, I read the fine print, put up a wooden fence, 6' high only in back yard (exactly as deed restrictions stated) to keep my then 2-year-old daughter from running off like she had before. Neighbors complained, developer came over, told them and us that if they have an issue with it - take us to court. They never did. We moved away and when we go back to visit the old neighborhood we laugh because now there's clothes lines, campers in driveways, campfire rings, etc. I guess we were the first brave ones to challenge the idiots who are wound a little too tight. Good for you for sticking up for what you want to do fully knowing you are not causing grief or harm to your neighbors.

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