What is one thing you figured out about chickens that you wish you knew when you began?

I wouldn't say it's something I have learned, but more of an observation. You can make your birds sick by overreacting or even more sick by not knowing what you're doing, by trying to play vet. What do I mean? That sometimes people new to poultry hear a single sneeze, or they think their bird looked at them wrong, or they saw them only take 3 steps instead of 2 to get to the waterer, or they saw that they only roosted for 6 hours instead of 6.5 hours on their camera in the coop that they watch like a baby cam... Then they bring them inside, separate them from the flock then the bird doesn't eat because they're now stressed from being alone/in a new environment. So they start force feeding their bird random foods and then they try some home remedy that they saw on YouTube that's actually dangerous...then it just goes downhill from there... I'm obviously exaggerating to a degree on my examples and I'm all about taking precautions, following gut instincts etc. But sometimes people do more harm then good. Basically what I'm saying is if you think your bird is acting off and you don't know what you're doing please phone a vet or find someone who has actual experience for help.
I'm talking about chicken diseases that are spread from bird to bird.
If you spend a bit of time in the emergency section here on the website you'll see how easily people infect their flock by bringing in outside birds.
Its a bummer too. Especially when it is a life long disease or one that sticks around. 😕
I just started this year with my flock. Among the things I would do differently, based on what I’ve learned:

* I would have checked into ordering through my local farm supply store and kept to a smaller flock, instead of going direct and ordering more chicks to meet the minimum order.

* I would have started with hens and added a rooster after 2-3 years.
I wish I had known that I actually like chickens. That chicken math is real. That fence math leads to chicken math. That the egg song is louder and longer than the crow. That picking the ones for dinner would be challenging...they all have features. And much more.

But sometimes people do more harm then good. Basically what I'm saying is if you think your bird is acting off and you don't know what you're doing please phone a vet or find someone who has actual experience for help.
A couple months back I had a hen that was off. Droopy tail and stagnant. Otherwise head up and alert. Not enough symptoms to ask for help. Gave Vet Rx and mash to make sure about food and water. In a couple days she perked up. Moral...start small.
I wish I had known that I actually like chickens. That chicken math is real. That fence math leads to chicken math. That the egg song is louder and longer than the crow. That picking the ones for dinner would be challenging...they all have features. And much more.

A couple months back I had a hen that was off. Droopy tail and stagnant. Otherwise head up and alert. Not enough symptoms to ask for help. Gave Vet Rx and mash to make sure about food and water. In a couple days she perked up. Moral...start small.
Yes! Honestly with all of the stuff they try to get you to buy I wish it was required for them to have one of those portable shelves full of poultry vitamins right there by the chicks or on that little counter like tractor supply has by the chicks. So many new poultry owners don't even know that poultry supplements even exist and they can make all of the difference!

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