What is one thing you figured out about chickens that you wish you knew when you began?

Ahem, that's when you sneak in with a flashlight and BB in hand and do your thing!
Oh I tried! That bird was the most skittish piece of work I've ever met-she would be dead asleep (I thought) and the second I touched her she would explode in hysterics, high-tail it around the coop and use my head as an escape catapult. Tried that a couple times and finally just resorted to cornering her during the day so neither of us would get injured. Only bird that made me think seriously about buying a net.
That they literally sh!t everywhere! And anywhere and your dogs will find it gourmet 🤢 And that they can and will destroy your garden/plants/flowers in nothing flat and use it as their dirt bath. Even though you made up their own really cool personal dirt bath…😐 lol
out of all the comments I have ever seen on this site or any other this is sooooooo true. It made me laugh so much as it is totally true. 🤣😂 Every part of your comments is something I have and do deal with daily.
Thank for making me laugh 😂
Use a reputable breeder for chicks. TS sexed chicks but 8 out of 12 were roosters. If you think breeders are expensive, try raising them until they start crowing ..
Hatcheries usually get the sexes right. (Yes, there are a few exceptions, but nothing like the ratio you got.)

Tractor Supply obviously has problems with proper labeling, but I think that is the fault of the store rather than the hatchery.

Most breeders cannot sex very young chicks, so you are limited to older chicks, autosexing or sex-linked chicks, or straight run.

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