What is she/he?!

I wouldn't completely separate the sultan from the other chicks as this could stress it out, I would just watch to make sure it's not getting bullied too much. And go from there. I have kept bantams with large chickens before and I never had a problem. :)
A pink bottom and bare skin is normal on a Cornish cross. The feathers will catch up eventually. A red bottom may mean the other chicks are pecking at him. You should start somehow getting him off food for about 8 hours a day if possible. Also, you might want to come up with a plan now for butchering him, or give him to someone who will. Although it is POSSIBLE he will live a long, healthy life, it is highly unlikely. The oldest I've ever heard of was only about 30 weeks. Their bodies just aren't designed for that. The exception might be if you free-range him without free-choice food most of the day. It will control his growth better, but then your others might suffer.

As far as the Sultan, I would play that one by ear. If you feel like she is being picked on, separate her and find her a friend (maybe the cornish!). In my experience, though, the little guys fair just fine as long as they are given enough room to escape others antics.
I believe he is about 4-5 weeks old right now . When are Cornish cross typically butchered? We weren't expecting to get one. Never had them. Only barred rocks, buffs and Rhode islands.

Smh... :barnie

Guess we get to have fun figuring out two new-to-us breeds. :rolleyes:
Most folks butcher around 6-10 weeks. You can do it whenever, but that's the general rule. 8 is generally the ideal for feed efficiency, after which, they begin to put on more fat.

Updated on little Miss/ Mister fancy feather Sultan... how old are these guys when you can sex them? I've never seen or been around a Sultan... so I'm really not sure. Hoping I don't have ANITHER cockerel.... still don't even know what to do with this bird. We got them for eggs and, as my daughter says, 'chick'n'nuggets!'. Do these birds Show well?
The two that i have are 5 weeks and one is obviously a cockerel. His comb and area around have been red for at least 2 weeks now
Long overdue update on the silly feather chicken

I am still not entirely sure.
All I know is... She has produced one... ONE ... Very small egg :) she's a cutie though. And a goof.

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