What is "she"?


5 Years
Mar 6, 2014
Beaverton, OR
So after some research Im wondering if I actually have a different breed than I ordered. The chick in question was supposed to be a cuckoo marans, but after reading up Im thinking she could actually be a barred rock or domoniquer. Her legs arent pure white or yellow but rather yellow with a black wash down to the feet. at 12 days old its hard to guess what her barring will be, but she clearly has it on her wings and tail.

This is the chick in question, sorry I dont have a better headshot, but I'll get one tomorrow. She now has a full tail and there is single barring there. Also Im hoping she is still a she, she has a very tiny comb but larger looking legs than my australorps (who have no combs) and EE.

Any help or suggestions for what sort of pics are needed would be helpful.
thanks, I'll get one tomorrow. this particular chick had a dislocated wing in her first few days, and since I had to pop it back shes not too fond of me....totally understand though! I moved them too their new digs (bathtub) tonight though :) I'll have hubby help me to get the shots we need. would a close up of the legs/feet be needed?
A Dominique will have a rose comb...which will look like a shallow little horseshoe with the luck running down the bill at this early stage.

Barred Rocks and Marans have single combs. Marans have more combs early than others; Marans roo's tend to show themselves very early with fast comb development.

And yes, Marans should have whitish/grey legs with often blacking while Barred Rocks should have yellow legs and the girls tend to have the black wash down the front of the leg.

Better full body shot may help...and posting photos when more feathers come in. Barreds will have true barring while a Cuckoo Marans has "cuckoo" pattern...blotchy messier looking black/white rather than crisp bars.

Lady of McCamley
Thannks, Id like to know what "she" is. but as long as she isnt a he she can stay. but i would like to let the owner of the local store know that she plucked the wrong one.

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