What is that color named? And EE vs OE


Jun 14, 2020
Quebec (Canada)

I got 2 questions, I hope someone can help me out. I'm mostly familiar with Ameraucana so I'm a bit lost about two mixed ones I got.

1rst one: Sold to me as an Easter Egger. She started laying at exactly 6 months old and beautiful olive eggs. Does it means she would be considered an Olive Egger instead of Easter Egger?


2nd: I have an adorable cockerel that is brahma mixed with unknown breed/s. I wondered what his color is called?


Thank you a lot for your time
You could call her an Easter egger or an olive egger. Both are crosses, not pure breeds. I think Easter egger covers a variety of egg colors where olive egger is more specific. So take your pick. It really is up to you what you call her. Neither name would be inaccurate.

Your cockerel is not pure for any color pattern because he is a mixed breed with different color patterns in his ancestry. I can't even tell if he's a dark Brahma mix or a light Brahma mix. He also has blue and red coloring in his ancestry. I would just call him mixed and call it good, but if you post pictures of him when he's full grown, we may be able to tell you what color he most resembles and what his possible parent breeds are besides Brahma.

I got 2 questions, I hope someone can help me out. I'm mostly familiar with Ameraucana so I'm a bit lost about two mixed ones I got.

1rst one: Sold to me as an Easter Egger. She started laying at exactly 6 months old and beautiful olive eggs. Does it means she would be considered an Olive Egger instead of Easter Egger?

2nd: I have an adorable cockerel that is brahma mixed with unknown breed/s. I wondered what his color is called?

Thank you a lot for your time

I think the cockerel‘s color is called “Rocky Road Kaleidoscope”

it’s exceedingly rare, to the point that no one has ever said it aloud before, lol

I like him 👍
Thank you all for your answers! :)

As for my cockerel, I'll definitely repost later when he'll be more grown, he is currently 3 months old.

Honestly, he does remind me of Rocky Road bars my granny used to make for Yule lol

I don't know if any helpful, but this is his brother that I rehomed:

Please do, I want to see how he turns out.

So what were the parents? I’m curious.

edit: never mind I see where you said already 🙃
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The hen is a brahma mix (from pure brahma hen with unknown rooster in free ranging flock) bred with an unknown mixed rooster from a free ranging flock. I bet they have quite a lot of breeds mixed in.

The hen;


Rooster wise, I know there was a few unknown mixes, an isabel orpington and a lavender ameraucana
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