What is the best meat birds?


8 Years
Oct 16, 2011
I've just read about poulet or chicken rangers. In your opinion ( I'm aa newbie) what is the best tasting meat bird that can be raaised and butchered in 8-10 weeks? Thanks bunches in advance for responses. Aall opinions welcomed!! Plus please add where you purchase. Thanks!
For a good sized bird in 8 weeks, I don't think the cornish cross can be beat, though I do admit that I haven't tried raising freedom rangers. I have raised red broilers and didn't care for them as they took a much longer time to get to size and I had a bunch of crowing cockerels to deal with weeks before they were big enough to process.
Thanks so much for your responses.......I've raised my first ones (Cornishx) and now I'm wondering as well do I need to invest in a plucking machine? We will raise our own chickens to eat.....no more store bought for us!!! That's the goal at least.
. I guess I will carry on with the Cornish x.

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