What is the biggest/heaviest egg your chicken has ever laid?....


7 Years
Jul 5, 2012
Little Rock, Arkansas

Here is my Whitey, my white leghorn egg the other day, she's laid multiple eggs like this in the past almost 2yrs but this time I finally weighed it, a whopping 3.5oz!! My other 2 RIR eggs only weighed the usual 2.2oz & 2.3oz.
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That's huge.
I have a White Minorca/Black Penedesenca cross that laid a 79 gram and an 87.5 gram egg on back to back days.
Her mother, a white minorca, regularly lays 70 plus gram eggs as do some of the Pene hens.

70+ is a jumbo
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That's huge.
I have a White Minorca/Black Penedesenca cross that laid a 79 gram and an 87.5 gram egg on back to back days.
Her mother, a white minorca, regularly lays 70 plus gram eggs as do some of the Pene hens.

70+ is a jumbo

Ok I looked it up & 1oz= 28.35g......so 3.5 oz is the same as 99.2g

So yea, 87.5 is pretty big, lets see thats about....3.1 oz.

Yea usually avg size of my white leghorn & RIR eggs are around 2.2 oz or so, which is about 62.3g
I hardly ever weigh eggs before they get sold (they go like hotcakes, and I've got almost 2 to 3 dozen a day). But I did once and I think the biggest was 71g. I have a BR that is 4 years old and gives me at least 4-5 eggs a week and hers are always the biggest. She's my good little Lullabelle.
I'm pretty sure she's who laid that one. I weighed a couple dozen once and I was shocked that technically most of my eggs are mediums. I would have thought they'd qualify as large, but whatever, as long as I get eggs I'm okay with it.
our hen layed a whopper the othe day. i didn't think to weigh it, wish i had. i dropped it putting it in the fridge, *#@!%$^& it was a single yolk.

Dang that is pretty decent size!
stinks ya couldn't weigh it, most ppl prolly don't think to or have a scale or somethin so I didn't expect to get that many replies on here; so thanks for the pic!!, Sucks even more that you broke it LOL, you sound exactly like me, I WAS SOOOOO careful w/that huge egg, b/c I'm the biggest clutz so i knew i was gonna break it lol, but thankfully I didnt.
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I wish I had a picture of the SUPER Super Jumbo egg one of my Red Sex Links laid. It was the typical egg shape and weighed in at 115 Grams! It was so big it looked like a peacock egg only brown. It was only a double yolker though. I've also had some weigh 106 & 107 Grams.

By the way, my chart classifies a jumbo egg as 65-73 Grams and a super jumbo as 74+ Grams.

Oops ...thats peahen egg :p
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