What is the earliest age you have had a hen start laying?


10 Years
Feb 25, 2009
Vancouver, WA
I have some chicks that are 4 weeks old and they are my first chickens and I am very excited! I am trying to plan a trip in late spring/early summer to visit some family across the country for a few days. I know the average first laying ages are like 20-26 weeks, right? So, if I were gone when they were 16 weeks, would I be safe for not missing the first egg? The family is trying to get us to come when they are 18-19 weeks, but I feel like that is a little close and I REALLY want to be the one to find the first egg.

I appreciate anyone's thoughts...
15.5! oh no.... boy, I wish I could skip this trip!

my chicks:

6 Cuckoo Marans (straight run, still figuring out sexes)
5 Ameraucana/EE pullets
3 Buff Orpingtons
1 Mystery Chick from MM
With those breeds of chickens you probably won't have to worry about them laying at 15 weeks. It will probably be closer to 20 weeks.
The ameracaunas may take a bit longer than 20 wks they seem to mature slower than a lot of other birds but the two I have now are very dependable layers of nice size eggs and they both lay an occasional double yolker.

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