What is the earliest you can see veins?

As a newbie to candleing eggs, I kept all of them till around day 14 - I numbered my eggs and made notes, those that I still saw NOTHING at around day 14 only then did I consider throwin them out. I also threw out one that had a blood ring.
They are selling great egg candlers on ebay. They come in different colors and they work great. I ordered one. They are about the size of a thick pen. I think it costs a total of $6.00 or $6.50. Just go to ebay and do a search for egg candler and you should find it.
I use a surefire G2 tactical flashlight. I have seen veins in chicken eggs on day 4. I have seen them starting in goose eggs on day 3. The brighter more focused the light the more you can see the changes.
oldtimegator - that 80 lumens light is more than enough. I have that same one because I have dark eggs (green, blue & dark brown), it works great.
I feel like I can see perfectly well...it's just what I DON'T see that is bothersome. I can see the yolk but there definitely isn't anything "dark" in it. As a nurse, I know what veins look like but there just aren't any developing.

I'm going to give it 2 more days and then start over!
Well, it does certainly make a difference on what you are using for candling. I generally can't see anything at all on my Ameraucana eggs so I do not even try really.
I think the one i have is the Brinsea one, it black. My friend had an extra so she gave it to me.
I'm so glad to be reminded of this on the Ameraucana eggs. I have a batch coming this week, and I'm just plain not going to look at them once I put them in the 'bator. I'll sniff them when it's time to take them out of the turner, and....that's IT !!!!


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