What is the friendliest breed in your opinion?


5 Years
Mar 30, 2014
Just wondering what you think is the friendliest breed? I can only get 1 more duck (female hopefully) and I really want something friendly, snuggly, and will follow me around. I have a buff female and mallard male. Please share a pic of your favorite friendly duckling breed :)
My Ancona are pretty sweet and cuddly.
I have found Pekings to be the most well rounded of all the breeds. They are not nervous and very calm. Not to mention super soft! You can't go wrong with a Peking.
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I have found Pekings to be the most well rounded of all the breeds. They are not nervous and very calm. Not to mention super soft! You can't go wrong with a Peking.
other than the fact that they are SO loud and talkative, as long as you don't have neighbors or family that dislikes the noise, they are fantastic ducks, very friendly and probably the best candidate for a "pet" duck (minus the loudness factor, lol...but don't we all have an obnoxiously loud friend which we just absolutely adore?)
Pekins are very sweet and friendly. But, yes, the girls are LOUD. But unlike a lot of the other breeds, mine did not quack frequently. It was just when she did, she had a big voice.
Pekin are definitely personable and adore water play, mine wait to be sprayed with the hose but they are loud, very loud, i have 5 females lol Calls are nice too but again females? LOUD.. i have some buffs who are decent little birds, but again loud lol

Muscovy can be tamed down and females are actually fairly quiet the only down is they broody monsters, i think i have just lost one due to it. What are your needs in a duck besides pet quality, most ducks if raised pretty intensely are capable of doing that, a few breeds are more skittish but still still overall, most will be friendly if the effort made.
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My call duckling is super friendly. She loves my kids and plays with the cats :) but I think it mainly depends on the ducks personality and if it was handled lots from hatching. I have two Campbell's and they tolerate people and will eat out of hands but never would come and be affectionate like my call.

Pic of Daisy playing in a (clean) pool with my kids and of her sleeping on my lap with her cat brother :)


We lost one of two of our pekin ducks last night, to a raccoon. will we need to get another one for the surviving duck? They are about 10 weeks old or so.

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