What is the hatch pattern?


In the Brooder
Oct 20, 2015
Hello I have a Cochin bantam setting on three eggs, one hatched earlier today and is now a cute little Orpington! The other two eggs haven't hatched or pipped yet, one is a Cochin bantamXbuff orp, and the other one is unknown, the eggs were each laid during different time periods, the one that hatched first I'm guessing is laid in the morning, and the other two laid later. I'm worried if the two eggs left are okay because last I candles them (about 2 days ago) they all seemed healthy. Any advice?
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Also I may have done a terrible thing, I accidentally brushed the egg while looking at it, causing it to open, even the chick was just about to come out, or I totally ruined it, it seemed alright and dried off and is under momma, but I looked at the shell to see if I didn't hurt the baby, I found this really tiny yellow glob in there, but I didn't worry cause the baby was creeping away last I checked.
Sounds like the chick started the internal pip, the tiny little blog is the last bit of the yolk that the baby needs to absorb before it comes out. Hopefully it'll still absorb the yolk before it tries to come out.

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