???What Is the Incubation Period of Rouens???

The Wolf Queen

10 Years
May 2, 2009
Albuquerque, NM
A friend of mine gave me a 2 rouen duck eggs (1 quit a few days ago) to hatch a while back and I counted 28 days on the calendar, becuz that is what I heard the average duck incubation period is, so this egg is due tomorrow and I locked it down Thursday. Today while adding a bit more humidity to the incubator I quickly candled the egg, and I see veins and everything but no sign that its going to hatch soon. Did I mess something up??? Advice please!!! Oh and I set it May 16th and its due tomorrow June 13th.
28 days just as you thought. When I have very small numbers of eggs hatching I always place a few store bought chicken eggs in the incubator in with them to help with maintaining the temperature.
IS this egg the only one you have in the bator??
I had it in with some others clutches that are due later on and ive since moved it to my lockdown incubator where it is alone and the temp and humidity are correct.
ok..So I will rule out the theory that the egg may take a little longer because of being the only one in there.... BY lockdown stage the duckling inside the egg can retain heat better than a growing embryo- so all I can really suggest is to just wait and see. When I candle that late in the incubation period- I look more to the bottom of the air cell. A duckling that has turned and is ready to start hatching will have its spine lined up with the bottom of the aircell and movement can be detected in that area when the egg is too dark to see movement in.

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