What is the main difference between a NHR and RIR?

I have a Rhode Island Red and a New Hampshire Red. Purchased at the same time. Both beautiful girls. The RIR is definitely darker in color. The NHR has colors more like a comet, but she has THE MOST BEAUTIFUL comb I've ever seen. Both are great, consistent layers. Neither seem very meaty.
Oh Chris, the forums just wouldn't be the same without you.

To the OP: Sorry we're overcomplicating your question with nit-picking. If you want to get the bare basics on each breed, wikipedia has a good brief description and interesting histories. If you are looking to buy these breeds from your local hatchery, RIRs are good for eggs, and NHs are good for dual purpose. Of course that varies by hatchery, but those are the general trends
Actually, there is no breed called Cinnamon Queen, Black Star or fill in the blank. The breed in question is indeed New Hampshire. Just New Hampshire.

The hatcheries make up all kinds of name for birds they sell. I see hatcheries calling their NH by the title New Hampshire Reds all the time. Of course, if one wishes to not recognize the APA or other governing bodies, that's fine. None of my birds are likely to be recognized as any breed by the APA either. At best they "represent" or kinda, sorta look like the official breeds, but that's about as far as it goes. I'm not offended. They are great birds. Call me old fashioned, but when it comes to NH, by I still prefer to use the real name.

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