What is the MOST "uneducated" thing you have ever heard?


This was five star laugh for me. Thank you

I can just imagine what the boys from the fire department must have been thinking when they got there.
I was telling the same said person in my other post on here about having crows in the yard and hopefully it will keep the eagles away...She looked at me like I was stoopid and laughed her heart out and said you dont get Bald Eagles round here, you get them out on the plains in South & North Decota, Wyoming..DUUUHHHH...this is Greenwood SC what you saw was a buzzard with its head feathers missing
We have a bald eagle reserve in Greenwood and she has lived here for 50 years and doesnt even know it!!!.
Years ago I still lived with my parents, I bought a pet hamster (great pet when you are working until late, they are nocturnal)
Well someone left the cage open while I was at work and Gertrude escaped.

A year later mom was going through her closet and said she found Gertrudes nest. Upon hearing this my then middleschool age sister's eyes lit up and she asked "Did you find any eggs?"
I get a lot of people asking weird questions when they find out I have ducks. Like the latest,
"do they live in your bathtub?"
Then when I explain that they live outside and are penned at night, they always ask...
"And they don't just fly away?"

I also had some lady at the local duck pond get really haughty with me when she overheard me talking about the latest pair of Pekin ducks that were dumped out on the pond, and tell me "Don't you know these are all wild birds? They fly in every year, I watch them!"

Really, you watched those Pekins fly in?
i have 2 pens. one has 3 girls and the other has a duck and a drake. i tell people why i don't let my drake in with my girls, he is the father of one and toooooo big for the others i am scared he will kill them......

sooo one of my 3 girls is laying eggs and i was all excited. someone asked me if i am going to incubate it..
i said why would i incubate an UNfertilized egg? they said oh they need a male for that??

i get a lot of "what do you do with them?" too i usually have a smart remark and say oh we play horse shoes or something random.. they actually believe me.. hahaha

i have also tried to explain the difference in colors between male and female mallards...
idk why it's soooo hard to understand

oh another one... people also always ask me where do you keep your ducks?? aren't they messy? don't they poop a lot??? uhhh yessss THAT IS WHY I HAVE ALREADY TOLD YOU THEY ARE OUTSIDE I **USED** TO HAVE THEM IN MY ROOM. i'm glad these people aren't in the military, they would be getting yelled at for sure for not paying attention to detail.

i am sure i have more being as i live in the city. i will have to think of some
My husband likes to get weird looks by ordering a a pir of "chicken abortions" scrambled soft.

I am definitely going to have to remember to order Chicken abortions next time.
*off topic but I couldn't resist*
A 4H advisor once explained it "The boys' colors are built in; that's why girls (looking pointedly at some over made-up girls) have to wear makeup".
I hoped someone would talk about the poor LaMancha goats.
My favorite story I heard was about a 4-h kid who was telling people with a straight face that they harvest the goat's ears once they get long like (points at a nubian or boer with long pendulous ears). She told them that a different goat (pygmy, alpine, togg... any goat with upright ears) was too early to harvest. Then, LaMancha ears were the result of recently harvested ears.
I guess the people she was telling complained, and parents/supervisors had a good laugh.


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