What is the number one concern/question about chicken care?


8 Years
Apr 16, 2011
Hello there,

I know this sounds like a stupid question but im just wondering. What is the number one (or most common) concern/questions about chicken care. What are the things first to be consider?
hoping for your positive response.


Protection from predators, everything you can imagine (and some that you can't) find chickens delicious. The need for a safe secure pen and housing is most folks # 1 concern.
I would say it's housing- you have to consider climate, predation, and flock politics. This is an article to consider housing for your flock.

When you look at what type of flock you'll be having (backyard, meat, egg, pet, etc) you then have a better idea of the needs and concerns for that flock. There are a slew of articles on my BYC home page that may help out, as they're meant for quick, easy answers to common concerns.
Mine is trying not to get too attached to my beloved chickens~ When they get sick, it consumes me trying to get them better.
I think the number one concern is what is happening with your flock right now. Mine are all doing well; however I am having a devil of a time getting the original 5 to accept the 3 newcomers - so that's my major concern.
coop size , comfort and security. If you live in a cold climate you will need lots of space in your coop, they will spend about four months pretty much stuck in the coop together.

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