what is the perfect hatch?


10 Years
Apr 18, 2009
Ok I had my chicks beggin piping on the 21st day. I have put 300 eggs in the incubator (gqf 1502 sportsman). I aalways do 1 set each time. Now, from day 21 till day 23, about 70% hatched, and the rest from day 23 to day 24 or 25. Is that normal for the hatch to drag till day 25? I mean i always thought they would all hatch from day 21 to day 23. and why do i always get late ones? What is a perfect hatch?
That sportsman could have some cold spot in it. If the late ones are from a specific tray that could be your answer. If from ramdom trays could be from front or back of trays. I have breeds that seem to take longer if you have mixed breeds. BC and Wheaten Marans always seem to take an extra day at least. My Wyandottes are by far the most consistent for me.
yes the whole 300 eggs are all mix breeds. i dont have pure breeds. so your talking about a large pool or mixed genes.... I guess ill see where the most eggs failed and what trays gave the most, thanks for the tip
Did ALL 300 hatch?
I would say that is the perfect hatch! Not what day they hatched on. ???
i mean not all 300 are fertile beause half of the eggs are from other people. But my eggs are always fertile. So after i elminate the unfertile ones i usually get 90% + success. But thought if they hatched say on day 24, 25 its not healthy for the late ones or somthing
Ideally, they should take 21 days to hatch, so I'm guessing your incy is a few degrees cooler than the norm......hey, if it's working, then maybe you just have a different norm than everybody else! LOL

Congrats on your hatch!

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