What is the point of geese?

Why geese? Personality plus! Much more and intelligent and friendly than chickens hands down.
When raised from goslings they are very people friendly.
Some draw backs...they can be noisy and during the breeding season ganders can be very cranky to varying degrees
but aside from that they are easy to grow freezer meat or with proper management they make great pets.
If one wants them just for pets I would recommend getting a same sex pair and to hand raise them from day old goslings.

My Chinese geese are the best birds I've had. Ducks are sweet, but not so fond of touching. Chickens are funny and make lots of eggs. My geese, tho, they like to sit in my lap and lord it over each other. They run right up for petting and hugs and push each other out of the way. It's not that they're hungry, they just want to be near me and tell me all about what Sheldon did when I wasn't looking, and the neighbor lady who walked by, and the airplane they saw...

They are slow to warm to new people and take full advantage if they sense fear, and if my husband is wearing his jacket that tastes like engine oil they bite hard rather than affectionate nibbling... and for a while Jack bit anyone who sat too close to me... my point is that my Chinese geese are sleek feathery people with strong personalities and love for their humans. Oh and they look like little swans when they sit on the water.

Get a couple. Get them as young as possible and play with them every day. You will love them. Tell your friends to show no fear, kneel and dip their heads to gain acceptance.
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